People First, Good For Business

People First, Good For Business

-“In business, sir, one has no friends, only correspondents. ” – Alexandre Dumas

People are the single most important factory in whether your business thrives or fails. If you are running your business all by yourself then the state of it is all down to you.

Understand that these people, whether they are customers or employees, are not your friends. Take it a step further. If you are the only employee you cannot afford to be friends with you during business hours. Be harder on yourself than you ever would on someone who you are writing a check to each week. People are your problem and the solution to that problem. Understanding people and the rolls that they are to play in your business is part one of building a great business.

Becoming a people person is good for business. Understanding the part that people play in your business is great for business.

Host Unlimited Domains on 1 Account How do you become a people person? Two things you must do. Tell the truth. Expect the truth. Always tell your customers and your employees the truth. Truth builds trust and trust builds loyalty. Loyalty both from those who work for you and those who do business with you. Expecting the truth is the first step to always receiving the truth. Once people understand that truth is the number one currency in your existence they will begin to deal in it. If they see your business, your products or services as valuable they will have no real choice. Consider people and their importance to you and your business both in the short term and the long term.

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That will be it for today. Please take a moment to bookmark this post and to add me to your google plus.

The Business of Decision Making

The Business of Decision Making

-Tom Hanks’ Character in You Got Mail.   “The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. So people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self.”-


Not everyone can make a decision and that is why not everyone can own and operate their own business. You have a business. You were able to make that one decision that has led to many more decisions that got you to the point where you are now.
The question is, “What happens next?”

This question comes up more times than we can count during a given day. We make so many decisions that we have reached a point where we only notice the big ones. I am here to argue that no one decision is any bigger than another. That every decision we make is equally important.


A so-called small decision can lead you to the thing that will change the life of your business forever. The difference between those who make it and those who look back to an opportunity where they could have made it usually comes down to deciding whether or not to take a risk and it is not usually a great financial risk. The risk is usually in time spend and trust me I know how precious time is in the life of a business person. The second risk is in committing to a learning curve.

The reason that you are here reading this is that you are ready to be talking into making a decision and I am not going to try to do that.  Instead I am going to suggest that you backtrack and look at recent opportunities that you bypassed.

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Business Opportunties

Business Opportunities


Most of us never recognize opportunity until it goes to work in our competitor’s business. –P.L. Andarr

How many times during the life of your business have you looked back at an opportunity that you considered taking and did not only to see that they were taken by someone else and turned out to be a big success?

We normally kick ourselves for these mistakes and move on promising at the time that you will never make that mistake again. The next time a good business opportunity comes along you will jump at it.
The truth is usually the opposite. We make the same mistakes over and over again. If we are risk takers we take risk while if we are risk averse we find or create excuses to not do what in our guts we know is the best thing for our businesses.


I interact constantly with people who visit this site. I am often thanked by those who have taken advice found here or signed up for a service suggested here. I have yet to be told by someone who tried email marketing or social marketing that it did not work for them. I have yet to be told by those who tried some of the supply channels that I have suggested that it was not worth the effort.

-The sure way to miss success is to miss the opportunity. –Victor Chasles

Your goal as a business person should be to take advantage of every opportunity. Look at an opportunity that comes your way in the same way that you would look at a turnover in a football game. You have been given an extra possession of the ball. You have basically been given a free shot to score. When you decide to do nothing it is the same as deciding to kneel down on the ball when you are in the red zone. Why do you do this and then wonder later why is it that your business is not growing?

I can tell you that email marketing always results in turning a profit when done correctly. The only reasons not to try it is either you are too scared to do it or you believe that you are not intelligent enough to do it.
If you are scared I can not solve that problem for you. If you doubt your intelligence I can tell you that it is mostly point and click. The services do most of the heavy lifting. You started a business. You pay your own bills. You understand how online business works. If you were able to find this site and read this post you are easily capable of understanding email marketing and many of the other services I will suggest to you over the months and years to come.

Here is a basic tutorial on Email marketing. After it I will include a video about a service that I really like. They offer a free trial so you do not have to invest any money. If it works for you then and only then will you spend anything on the service and the average return on investment in the email marketing arena is over twenty to one.

Emails for Small Business with Constant Contact

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The Reward Of Business Risk

The Reward Of Business Risk

-Every day, you’ll have opportunities to take chances and to work outside your safety net. Sure, it’s a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone.. in my case, business suits and real estate.. but sometimes you have to take risks. When the risks pay off, that’s when you reap the biggest rewards. Donald Trump –


Nothing is ever achieved by standing still except falling behind. You have started a business. The business is going well, but you have reached to point where you believe that if you tinker with it you many mess something up.

My question to you is this. Are you a business person or are you playing at being a business person?


A good online business person takes calculated risk from time to time. A person who has no clue what they are doing or how they got there in the first place sits on what has been done already and trust to luck that things will magically continue to work out.

Is that any way to run a business?

Is that what you have been doing?

Does that sound like a winning business plan?

If it does not then you need to investigate the options available to you and take the safest ones first. Learn through trial and error or better yet free trials and errors. There are so many services out there that can help you grow your business and add dynamic elements to your business. Many of them offer you free trials to see what their services can do for you. Why not take advantage of these services. Check them out and see if they improve your bottom line.
Allow me to introduce you to two services that offer free trials and can help to grow your businesses.

Both services are well-known and are used by thousands of businesses, maybe your direct competition uses some of them.

Get the Email + Social Marketing Experience

Okay I know that list building and email list sounds a bit complicated, but the truth is that most of us have vast email list to tap already and we are usually unaware of it. For every online sale you have made whether it is with Google checkout or PayPal or many of the other online payment services used, a record of the buyer’s email is kept. You can get those records from Google checkout or PayPal by clicking a few buttons.

Try a few services out and let me know how it has grown your businesses.

Good luck and please take a moment to stumble this site on stumbleupon, share this post with a friend and to add us to your google plus.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Doing Business As A Professional

-Professionals are people who can do their job when they don’t feel like it. Amateurs are people who can’t do their job when they do feel like it.-

Ask yourself what type of business person that you are? What type of online business do you wish to run? How do you want the world to see you?

Someone who works through the hard times?

Someone who works even harder when things are going well?

Someone who adds new elements to their business even when business is booming?

Doing these things are nothing more than doing what a professional is supposed to do. You are a pro at what you do. You have to tell yourself everyday that this is not a hobby, but a profession. Treat each and everyday like that and sooner or later you will see yourself as a professional.

Look at the athletes and performs that you admire. Usually this admiration is fueled by not only their natural skills, but their behavior as well. How do they conduct business when few are paying attention? How you have heard that they are the first person at the training faculty and the last one to leave. How they study and a work harder than any one else. How they play the game the same way whether they are up by twenty points or down by twenty.

Be a professional when no one is looking. Give your best effort at all times.

Okay, that is it for now. Remember to like us on stumbleupon and add us to your Google plus. I believe that it is time to get back to work.

Get the Email + Social Marketing Experience

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