-Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.- Mark Twain


During the course of your business career you may build a team or many teams to help you to achieve your goals, but you will always be a solo performer. To alter that quote from the Godfather, it is personal and it is strictly business. You must look at your business as being all about you. Your drive, your dream, your determination to achieve you goals against what real does amount to the entire world. It may not be that way, but you have to look at it that way.


Running a business is a choice. This choice is made by a single person.
The type of business that it is was a choice made in the end by one person. Yes you may had asked others for input. you may have done a great deal of market research before coming to a decision, but in the end your business was a solo creation.
How you run your online business is also a series of day to day and moment by moment choices. Once you accept that it, for better or worst like a marriage, will always come down to your commitment to the business and the course that you have charted for it you will be well on your way be being a success business person.
Enjoy this time in your life. Going from building a business to having a successful one is where most of the fun occurs. Do not focus on the destination, focus on the good times that happen along the way. That is part of the reason why you wanted to be your own boss. Why you started your own online business.

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Business, Chance and Choices

Your Business, Chance and Choices

-There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.-John F. Kennedy

You will always find yourself faced with the simple fact that to move forward you must adapt and change. Take a few moments and list all the great and wonderful things that have happened during your life time from sitting around and waiting for things to happens.

It this a short list or a non-existent one?

Most, if not all great movements during your life time have happened do to the fact that you made bold moves. You took grand chances. What I recommend for you is that you find a risk worth taking and go for it. There will be a thousand possible moves that will come up during the life of your business. Should you go it alone? Should you hire help? Should you market in a different way? Should you reinvent your business? Should you stick with that supplier? Should you go out and find new suppliers? Should you try new things to expand your business or stand still?

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So many questions will come up. Some many great opportunities will be presented to you. I cannot tell you what to do. No one can tell you what to do. You will have to make your own choices and yes each choice will be a chance that can represent success and or failure. That is the funny part about life. Nothing we do that is worth doing comes with a promises of success. Politicians promise you that if you vote for them they will make everything all right and of course the other guy will make everything all wrong. They are professional liars. I am just a professional business man and the only promise that I can make you is that if you do not take chances with your online business then you will not grow it. It will never become that business that supports your life style, that supports you family and allows you to live a better a richer life.

This is the part where I am supposed to ask you to go out a buy my book and or sign up for my course. I have a book, but I am not here to sell it. I will only suggest that you review all the good ideas that you have been sitting on. Find the one that is the lowest risk and try it. If it involves free trials and the chance to opt out all the better. Just try something new and take the time to pat yourself on the back for how far you have come.
Sometimes we forget to be thankful for the small improvements that we have made along the way. Be thankful for the small growth in our businesses.

Catch your breath. See a movie. Read a book. Spend time with a friend or a family member that you have not seen in a while. To quote Charles Dickens at this time of year “Mankind should be our business.”

Over the coming days, weeks, months and years you will make choices and even if you choose to do nothing you will be taking a chance. Be always aware of this and good luck with your business. Please take a moment to stumble us on stumbleupon and to add us to your google plus.

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