The two most difficult parts of running a retail business is finding a good location and getting quality wholesale supplies. First we are going to talk a bit about getting things to sell. You can do this the hard way by going the drop shipping route. I have nothing against drop shipping it is just that the profit margins are limited. Think of it this way that for every person involved in touching the item as it progresses toward the customer that person has to be paid. Just recall that age old saying in business, if you want to get rich you need to cut out the middle man.

The second best way to run a online store is to buy your supplies in bulk, package and ship them yourself. This is usually where the difficulty set in. Finding supplies who will sell you the hottest and most popular new items at your price is a challenge after all if it was easy to find these supplies for your online store then everyone would be doing it.

Let’s look at a video from a guy who can help.

$.99* .COM Domain! Get going with GoDaddy!

Now you need an address for your store. A long time ago this would mean finding an actual brick and mortar building. That would have cost you thousands of dollars to rent or lease and a small fortune to buy. These days all we need is a domain name and a place to put it. Your domain name is usually a variation of the name of your business. Make it good and easy to remember. When people think of the thing that you sale your domain name will pop into their heads. If you sell burgers it should be something like Also keep in mind that there are .net, .info .biz and so forth. Take your time and do some research before making this pick. Location, location location is super important and your name is your location. I am recommending using Godaddy because they are the best, but you can feel free to pick another domain provider.

Now we must set up our basic website.

Thanks for dropping by and good luck with your online business.

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