Online Business Is A Marathon

Online Business Is A Marathon

If you are familiar with marathons then you know that no one has ever gotten out of bed one morning decided that they were going to be a marathon runner and a day later they are not only running in one, but completing it.

Twenty six miles.

Think about that.

It takes months if not years to build your body up to the point where you can run one of these events from start to finish.


Running a successful business is no different. You have to build your endurance levels. When learning to run you expect that pain and set backs will be part of the territory. Why would it be any different for those of you who wish to run a business?

The day will come, after weeks or even months, when you are running your business smoothly. You are now one amongst many racing toward the finish line. You are a member of the pack and you will finish the races sooner or later. Winning it is of course something that you have never taken seriously. People from all over the world are competing with you. How could you ever hope to beat them.

You can, because you must.

Winning is why races are run. You are here now because you want to improve. You want a bit of inspiration. You want to hear that the finish line is the property of no one. The trophy does not have a name on it before the race is won.

Your online business can be the biggest and the best on earth. The size of your business and the impact that it will have on your life is up to you. The winner of this race is largely a choice that you will make with the decisions you make and the daily effort that you are willing to put forth.

Good luck and please take a moment to share this post and to check out my new ebook. You will find an image link below.





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